‘Warwickshire Imperial Yeomanry Roll of A or Major J.D .MILLS Squadron ‘ (undated)
This fifteen page booklet was published in April 1911 and provides the names of four Officers in ‘A’ Squadron together with their home addresses:
Major J.D. MILLS
Captain Lord GUERNSEY *
Lieutenant R.S. WILSON
and 2nd Lieutenant L.B. JOYNSON **
The booklet provides the following details for 90 enlisted men serving in ‘A’ Squadron, Warwickshire Yeomanry, Birmingham:
Date of enlistment
Regimental Number
Name and Initials
Home address
One page of enlisted men is enclosed by way of example.
The last man to join the Squadron prior to this booklet being published was 1718 Trooper F. STRINGER - he enlisted on 11 February 1911 and served with the Regiment during WW1.
This copy of the ‘A’ Squadron 1911 Roll in the Museum Archive includes ink annotations, for it was used to compile the ‘Warwickshire Yeomanry Roll of ‘A’ Squadron commanded by Major J.D. MILLS 1912.’ The annotations on several pages of the booklet indicate that some men were late with their saddlery.
Unfortunately, we do not have a complete run of Squadron Rolls in the Museum for the period 1900 to 1912. Those Squadron Rolls we do have are most useful indeed when responding to research enquiries.
Captain Lord GUERNSEY *(Lieut. late Irish Guards), Capt. 17 August 1910, re-joined Irish Guards August 1914, k-in-a France (Battle of Aisne, 14 Sept 1914.
L.B. JOYNSON MC * Lieut. 10 Feb 1912, Captain 7 January 1916, seconded as Brigade Signalling Officer, mentioned in despatches.
‘Warwickshire Yeomanry Roll of ‘A’ Squadron-Commanded by Major J.D. MILLS 1912.’
This fifteen page booklet was published in late April 1912. It lists the Regimental Staff on page 2 (see enclosure) and provides the names of the four Officers in ‘A’ Squadron together with their home addresses on page 3:
Major J.D. MILLS
Captain Lord GUERNSEY *
Captain R.S. WILSON
and Lieutenant L.B. JOYNSON **
The booklet provides the following details for 103 enlisted men serving in ‘A’ Squadron, Warwickshire Yeomanry, Birmingham, compared with 90 men in the 1911 booklet:
Date of enlistment
Regimental Number
Name and Initials
Home address
The last man to join ‘A’ Squadron prior to this booklet being published was:
1879 Pte H.O. COTTERILL who enlisted on 10 April 1912 and had the misfortune to be killed in action at Gallipoli on 10 September 1915.
There are twenty-two men listed as Recruits - 9 men having left the Squadron during the twelve month period ended 10 April 1912. Troopers in the 1911 version are now listed as Privates.
Unfortunately, we do not have a complete run of printed Squadron Rolls covering the period 1900 to 1912 in the Museum Archive. Those Rolls we do have, continue to prove most useful when responding to research enquiries.
Captain Lord GUERNSEY *(Lieut. late Irish Guards), Capt. 17 August 1910, re-joined Irish Guards August 1914, k-in-a France (Battle of Aisne, 14 Sept 1914.
L.B. JOYNSON MC * Lieut. 10 Feb 1912, Captain 7 January 1916, seconded as Brigade Signalling Officer, mentioned in despatches.
‘Warwickshire Yeomanry Roll of ‘A’ Squadron-Commanded by Major J.D. MILLS 1913.’
This fifteen page booklet was published in April 1913. It lists the Regimental Staff on page 2 and provides the names of the five Officers in ‘A’ Squadron together with their home addresses on page 3:
Major J.D. MILLS
Captain Lord GUERNSEY *
Captain R.S. WILSON
Lieutenant L.B. JOYNSON
and 2nd Lieutenant G.A. LLOYD (commissioned 8.6.1912) ***
The booklet provides the following details for 106 enlisted men serving in ‘A’ Squadron, Warwickshire Yeomanry, Birmingham, compared with 103 men in the 1912 booklet:
Date of enlistment
Regimental Number
Name and Initials
Home address
and Remarks
The last man to join ‘A’ Squadron prior to this booklet being published was 1994 Pte J.R. RUSSELL who enlisted on 28 February 1913. RUSSELL was one of eight dismounted men serving in ‘A’ Squadron. He later served with the Reserve Regiment during WW1.
Twenty-two Recruits and two additional Dismounted Men joined ‘A’ Squadron to replace twenty-one who had left during the previous 12 months, making a net gain of three. Five men are listed as being on leave at the time of publication of this Roll.
Unfortunately, we do not have a complete run of printed Squadron Rolls covering the period 1900 to 1912 in the Museum Archive. Those Rolls we do have continue to prove most useful when responding to research enquiries.
Captain Lord GUERNSEY *(Lieut. late Irish Guards), Capt. 17 August 1910, re-joined Irish Guards August 1914, k-in-a France (Battle of Aisne, 14 Sept 1914.
G.A LLOYD *** Lieutenant 11.12.14. Captain 1.6.16. Special Service E.E.F. & Aust. Imp. Force Staff (Sir G.A. LLOYD G.C.I.E., D.S.O. later became Lord G.A. LLOYD)
‘Warwickshire Yeomanry Roll of ‘A’ Squadron-Commanded by Major J.D. MILLS 1914.’
This fifteen page booklet was published in April 1914. It lists the Regimental Staff on page 2 see enclosure and provides the names of the six Officers in ‘A’ Squadron together with their home addresses on page 3:
Major J.D. MILLS
Captain Lord GUERNSEY *
Captain R.S. WILSON
Lieutenant L.B. JOYNSON
2nd Lieutenant G.A. LLOYD ***
2ndLieutenant H.C. COULSON (Commissioned 21.5.1914) ****
The booklet provides the following details for 105 enlisted men serving in ‘A’ Squadron, Warwickshire Yeomanry, Birmingham, compared with 106 men in the 1913 booklet:
Date of enlistment
Regimental Number
Name and Initials
Home address
and Remarks
The last man to join ‘A’ Squadron prior to this booklet being published was 2088 Pte Z.P. SHEEN who enlisted on 27 February 1914. He served with the Regiment overseas from 24 April 1915 and was discharged on 11 February 1919.
Twenty-two recruits joined ‘A’ Squadron plus three transfers in, to replace twenty-six men who had left during the previous 12 months, which accounts for the net reduction of one man.
Unfortunately, we do not have a complete run of printed Squadron Rolls covering the period 1900 to 1912 in the Museum Archive. Those Rolls we do have continue to prove most useful when responding to research enquiries.
A picture of Major J. D. MILLS who commanded ‘A’ Squadron. Warwickshire Yeomanry is enclosed. This image is from page 178 of ADDERLEY’s ’The Warwickshire Yeomanry in the Great War’ published in May 1922.
Captain Lord GUERNSEY *(Lieut. late Irish Guards), Capt. 17 August 1910, re-joined Irish Guards August 1914, k-in-a France (Battle of Aisne, 14 Sept 1914.
G.A LLOYD *** Lieutenant 11.12.14. Captain 1.6.16. Special Service E.E.F. & Aust. Imp. Force Staff (Sir G.A. LLOYD G.C.I.E., D.S.O. became Lord G.A. LLOYD)
2nd Lieutenant H.C. COULSON ****Joined 1911, Lieutenant 21.5.14. Captain 24.8.16.
‘Combe Park 1912’ - a photographic record.
ADDERLEY records that ‘on the 17th May 1912 the Regiment assembled at Combe Park, by kind permission of the Earl of CRAVEN to undergo the Annual Training, and the muster was within very few of full strength, comprising 21 Officers and 399 N.C.O.s and men.
This booklet published by ELLIOT & FRY, London contains 14 group photographs:
Regimental Staff,
Permanent Staff
‘A’ Squadron,
‘B’ Squadron, ‘
C’ Squadron,
‘D’ Squadron
Maxim Gun
This is a unique photographic record and whilst it’s possible to identify most of the Officers and some of the senior N.C.O.’s from other photos in the Museum, when it comes to identifying individual Yeoman this has proved extremely challenging.
Thankfully some families of those who served in the Regiment in 1912 have assisted in recent years to identify their ancestor.
Enclosed is a picture of ‘A’ Squadron commanded by Major J.D. MILLS.
There were four Officers in ‘A’ Squadron in 1912: Major J. D. MILLS, Captains Lord GUERNSEY and R.S. WILSON, and Lieut. L.B. JOYNSON.’
There are only three Officers in this photo – two of whom we have so far identified: MILLS and JOYNSON but the challenge is to identify the Officer with his stick resting on his right arm.
Occasionally copies of this booklet turn up in the second-hand book market on-line.
Booklet ‘Combe Park 1912’ and Booklet No.9: ‘Warwickshire Yeomanry.’
The Booklet
‘Combe Park 1912’ includes the enclosed image of the Warwickshire Yeomanry Band which was reconstituted under new arrangements in 1912. The Bass Drum in this picture is displayed in the Museum
ADDERLEY records that ‘the services of the Leamington Spa Prize Band was secured with a strength of 25 men, embodied and qualified to draw pay as Yeoman in camp. Mr TITCOMBE acted as Bandmaster.’
On the 24th May 1912 the Regimental Band performed in the Public Gardens in Coventry and subsequently played the Regiment back to camp through the main streets of Coventry.
Booklet No.9:
‘Warwickshire Yeomanry in The Uniforms of the British Yeomanry Force 1794-1914’ by BARLOW and SMITH published in 1987 provides a fascinating, illustrated account of the uniforms of the Regiment from 1794 to 1914.
The authors thanked the Warwickshire Yeomanry Museum Trustees for allowing them access to the collection of early uniforms including copies of various Dress Regulations of the Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry during the 19th Century held in the Museum.
Pages 30 and 31 of this booklet include the earliest known reference to there being a Regimental Band, when they played for the 50th Anniversary Dinner at Umberslade on 6 August 1844.[1]
The Regimental Band was present on the Lawn at Warwick Castle for the arrival & departure of Queen VICTORIA on the 16th June 1858. [2]
The Illustrated London News published a woodcut covering this event which includes a small group of dismounted bandsmen which can be seen in the Museum archive.
Those of you who are familiar with the Museum will know that the Regiment had a Mounted Band in the 19thCentury, for we have two early Kettle Drum Banners on display in the Museum. The whereabouts of the kettle drums and instruments are not known.
[1] See page 71 of ADDERLEY’s ‘History of the Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry, published in 1912.
[2] See page 84 of ADDERLEY’s ‘History of the Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry, published in 1912.
‘The Warwickshire Yeomanry Roll 1913 - Commanded by Colonel F.DUGDALE, C.V.O., T.D.’
This sixty page booklet was published in April 1913. It lists the Regimental Staff on page 2 see enclosure and provides details of the Officers and Men serving in the Regiment, which I have summarised as follows:
‘A’ Squadron 5 Officers 106 enlisted men
‘B’ Squadron 9 Officers* 122 enlisted men 1 Hon Chaplain
‘C’ Squadron 4 Officers 100 enlisted men
‘D’ Squadron 5 Officers 107 enlisted men
Total 23 Officers 435 enlisted men.
Total inc. Hon Chaplain 459.
* Includes Regimental Staff
This booklet provides the following details for the 435 enlisted men in Squadron Order:
Date of enlistment
Regimental Number
Name and Initials
Home address
and Remarks
This booklet along with that for 1914 is a unique record and has proved an extremely valuable resource when responding to research enquiries.
Those wishing to learn more about individual Officers and Men serving with the Regiment during this period are requested to complete the Museum Enquiry Form see www.warwickshire-yeomanry-museum.co.uk
This booklet was recovered from Regimental HQ, Priory Road, Warwick prior to its closure in June 1968 and includes ink annotations to construct the booklet for the 1914 Regimental Roll which fortunately has survived the ravages of time.
Regrettably the Museum does not have copies of the printed Regimental Rolls covering the period 1900 to 1912.
‘Combe Park 1912 – a photographic record’ of the Warwickshire Yeomanry at their Annual Training Camp
published by ELLIOT & FRY.
Part 1
ADDERLEY records that ‘the camp was pitched on a sandy slope in a convenient position and for the first time Electric Lighting was employed in camp. The messing was still carried out Regimentally under Lieut. and Quartermaster VALINTINE and proved highly satisfactory
The first week was occupied in Squadron Training, the remainder of the time being devoted to tactical work. A new system of training was adopted for Recruits who were separately trained under the Permanent Staff’ - see enclosed picture above.
The Permanent Staff are listed on page 213 of ADDERLEY’s ‘History of the Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry:’
Adjutant, Captain T.H.S. MARCHANT (13th Hussars) (seated)
Reg. Sergt-Major W. WILKES (8th Hussars) (seated)
S.S.M. CURTIS, ‘A’ Squadron (5th Lancers)
S.S.M. H. FORBES, ‘B’ Squadron (5th Lancers) (standing to the right of WILKES)
S.S.M. G. SENIOR, ‘C’ Squadron (16th Lancers)
S.S.M. R. TREDGER, ‘D’ Squadron (5th Lancers)
At this juncture whilst working from home I have only been able to identify three of the six men in this photo - the image is from my copy of the 1912 Booklet which I purchased many years ago.
Occasionally copies of this booklet turn up in the second-hand book market on-line.
‘Combe Park 1912 – a photographic record’ of the Warwickshire Yeomanry at their Annual Training Camp
published by ELLIOT & FRY.
Part 2
The booklet contains 14 group photographs and whilst there are helpful captions these do not include names of individuals.
The enclosed picture shows eleven Signallers with their signal flags and signalling equipment, some faces are recognizable, and others are not.
ADDERLEY records that ‘Flag Signalling had been practised since 1884 and in 1886 signalling at night had been practised with the flashing lamp from the Tower of St Mary’s Church, Warwick to the Castle Towers with great success.’ In 1911 those serving as Regimental Signallers in the Regiment were classified as 1st Class Signallers except two.
In 1913 the Regimental Signals Officer was Lieut. L.B. JOYNSON –
he is not in this photograph.
The 1913 Regimental Roll lists the following Signallers:
1500 Sig-Sgt R. TOZER (‘A’ Squadron) he is standing to the left with signalling lamp, holding signal flag in this picture.
1266 Cpl R. GADSDEN (‘A’ Squadron)
1364 L/Cpl A. READ (‘A’ Squadron)
1492 Sgt-Sig G. TYRRELL (‘A’ Squadron)
1623 Pte G.W. BARTLE (‘A’ Squadron)
1703 Pte H.N. BURROWS (‘A’ Squadron)
1858 Pte P. BUSHBY (‘A’ Squadron)
1859 Pte M. LANGDON (‘A’ Squadron) * promoted to Cpl by 1914.
1719 Pte H.F. TWINE (‘A’ Squadron)
1535 Pte W.J. BUTLIN (‘C’ Squadron)
Enclosed (Above) is an extract from ‘’The Warwickshire Yeomanry Pocket Book 1914’ re Semaphore.
At this juncture I am not sure who the Squadron Sgt-Major sitting in the middle of the front row is. * The answer may be in Cpl M. LANGDON’s pre WW1 photograph album. LANGDON served with the Signal Troop during WW1 – his two photograph albums provide a unique record with supporting captions. When I am in the Museum next I will see if I can identify this S.S.M.
‘Combe Park 1912 – a photographic record’ of the Warwickshire Yeomanry at their Annual Training Camp
published by ELLIOT & FRY.
Part 3
The booklet contains 14 group photographs and whilst there are helpful captions these do not include names of individuals.
The enclosed picture taken in May 1912 shows seven Warwickshire Yeoman all but one of them is wearing the distinctive arm badge for a Trumpeter.
The Squadron Rolls which have survived for 1912 & 1913 provide clues as to who these seven men are:
1800 Trptr. T.J. SHILVOCK, ‘A’ Squadron (Recruit enlisted 1.12.11)
704 Sgt/Trptr. C.W. ROBBINS, ‘B’ Squadron (enlisted 13.5.01) *
1688 Trptr. M.D. ROBBINS, ‘C’ Squadron (enlisted 29.10.10)
1724 Trptr. F. STRUTT, ‘B’ Squadron (enlisted 4.3.11) ‘C’ Squadron in 1913
1791 Trptr. W.C. WIGLEY, ‘C’ Squadron (enlisted 25.11.11)
1276 Lc-Trptr D.H. GARDINER, ‘D’ Squadron (enlisted 19.4.06)
1865 Trptr. H.C. DAVIS, ‘D’ Squadron (Recruit enlisted 4.3.12)
* 704 Sgt/Trptr C.W. ROBBINS is seated in the middle of this group.
None of the above Trumpeters serving with the Regiment in 1912 or thereafter have been the subject of research enquiries during the past six years, nor have we received any digital images of these seven men which might help to confirm their identity.
1596 Corpl. B. JONES, ‘C’ Squadron Regimental Scout,
‘Combe Park 1912 – a photographic record’ of the Warwickshire Yeomanry at their Annual Training Camp
published by ELLIOT & FRY.
Part 4
The booklet contains 14 group photographs and whilst there are helpful captions these do not include names of individuals.
The enclosed picture shows fifteen Warwickshire Yeomanry Scouts, most NCO’s are wearing a distinctive badge on their right arm above their chevrons - see image of badge.
The 1913 Squadron Rolls include:
1 Scout, 14 Regimental Scouts and 9 Squadron Scouts all with enlistment dates prior to May 1912. So by inference the 15 Scouts in this picture taken in May 1912 include the following Regimental Scouts:
1152 L/Sergt. COOPER, ‘A’ Squadron, ‘A’ Squadron, Scout
1087 L/Sergt. R.V. PAYTON, ‘A’ Squadron, Regt. Scout (enlisted16.12.03)
1043 Corpl. H. WATKINS, ‘A’ Squadron, Regt. Scout, (enlisted 1.5.03)
1606 L/Cpl. W.W. STURLEY, ‘B’ Squadron, Regt. Scout (enlisted 26.3.09)
1596 Corpl. B. JONES, ‘C’ Squadron, Regt. Scout (enlisted 23.3.09) *
1653 Corpl.F. STATHAM, ‘C ’Squadron, Regt. Scout (enlisted 20.1.10)
788 L/Cpl. T. CARDALL, ‘C’ Squadron, Regt. Scout (enlisted 9.1.02)
1548 L/Cpl. H.A.M. HUTBER, ‘C’ Squadron, Regt. Scout (enlisted 30.1.09)
1152 L/Cpl. M. STOKES, ‘C’ Squadron, Regt. Scout (enlisted 9.5.05)
1638 L/Cpl. J.E. CARLEY, ‘C’ Squadron, Regt. Scout (enlisted 20.11.09)
1689 Pte. A. KING, ‘C’ Squadron, Regt. Scout (enlisted 7.12.10)
1032 Sergt. H. J. MORRIS, ‘D’ Squadron, Regt. Scout (enlisted 11.4.03)
1194 L/Cpl. F.T. COX, ‘D’ Squadron, Regt. Scout (enlisted 17.3.05)
1098 L/Cpl. I.B. WHITEHOUSE, ‘D’ Squadron, Regt. Scout (enlisted 24.1.04)
1468 L/Cpl. E.J. COX, ‘D’ Squadron, Regt. Scout (enlisted 30.3.08).
Trying to put faces to names is proving difficult for most of these men have not been the subject of research enquiries during the past six years.
However we do have a picture of a Warwickshire Yeomanry Corporal on horseback (circa 1912) wearing a scout badge on his arm, together with two other pictures of him attending a wedding on 22 November 1916. The reverse of one wedding photo identifies his as Ben and the other as Benj,
Well the chances are that the Corporal on horseback is 1596 Corpl. B. JONES, ‘C’ Squadron Regimental Scout, for he is sitting in the front row of the 1912 group photo – see enlarged image of him.
1596 Corpl JONES may well have served with 2/1st or 3/1st WkY during the Great War, for we have no medal index card for him. This level of detail takes time to produce - a quiet afternoon here at home has been spent constructively.
I have not included the names of the 9 Squadron Scouts’ for they are not included in the group photo taken in May 1912
‘Combe Park 1912 – a photographic record’ of the Warwickshire Yeomanry at their Annual Training Camp
published by ELLIOT & FRY.
Part 5
Enclosed is a picture of eleven Yeoman in the Maxim Gun Team in 1912.
ADDERLEY’s ‘History of the Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry’ records that ‘the 1904 Annual Camp was held at Ragley Park in May, Colonel Lord HERTFORD in command. The Inspection was held on1st June by Colonel COURTNEY. A Maxim Gun was supplied to the Regiment for the first time, and on 27th May a Scheme of Reconnaissance was carried out in the neighbourhood of Feckenham in conjunction with the Worcestershire Yeomanry, who were in camp at Westwood Park.’
An examination of the 1912 & 1913 Squadron Rolls provides eleven names of those serving in the Warwickshire Yeomanry Maxim Gun Team, commanded by Captain R.S. WILSON, ‘A’ Squadron, who is not in this picture:
SSM. H.N. FORBES DCM, 5th Lancers (Permanent Staff) *standing wearing his medals ‘B’ Squadron Maxim Gun
1778 Pte. F. GOULD, ‘B’ Squadron Maxim Gun (enlisted 28.8.1911)
1866 Pte. F. GREEN, ‘B’ Squadron Maxim Gun (enlisted 2.3.1912)
1842 Pte. J. RAVENHALL,’B’ Squadron, Maxim Gun (enlisted 24.2.1912)
1812 Pte. T.H. SANFORD, ‘B’ Squadron, Maxim Gun (enlisted 13.1.1912)
1844 Pte. F.A. VALE, ‘B’ Squadron, Maxim Gun (enlisted 6.2.1912)
778 Sergt. J.W. ARMSTRONG, ‘D’ Squadron, Maxim Gun (enlisted 8.12.1901)
1112 L/Cpl. E. BROWN, ‘D’ Squadron, Maxim Gun (enlisted 19.3.1904)
1488 L/Cpl. C.A. GILBERT, ‘D’ Squadron, Maxim Gun (enlisted 14.8.1908)
1873 Pte. G.H. BULL, ‘D’ Squadron, Maxim Gun (enlisted 28.2.1912)
1629 Pte. W. RITCHINGS, ‘D’ Squadron, Maxim Gun (enlisted 28.9.1909)
Most of these men have not been the subject of research enquiries during the past six years and therefore at this juncture we cannot easily identify them.
In the winter of 1910 a new departure in training of the Regiment commenced. In place of the old system by which Scouts and Signallers were drawn from all parts of the County it was decided that each Squadron should specialise in one or other of these duties, to make it possible for classes to be held and properly attended by members:
‘A’ Squadron - Signallers,
‘B’ Squadron - Pioneers,
‘C’ Squadron - Scouts.
‘D’ Squadron - Machine Gun Detachment.
‘The Warwickshire Yeomanry Roll 1914 - Commanded by Colonel F. DUGDALE, C.V.O., T.D.’
This sixty-five booklet was published in May 1914. It lists the Regimental Staff on page 2 see enclosure and provides details of the Officers and Men serving in the Regiment, which I have summarised as follows:
‘A’ Squadron 6 Officers 105 enlisted men
‘B’ Squadron 10 Officers* 129 enlisted men 1 Hon Chaplain
‘C’ Squadron 5 Officers 117 enlisted men
‘D’ Squadron 5 Officers 105 enlisted men
Total 26 Officers 456 enlisted men. Total inc. Hon Chaplain 483.
* Includes Regimental Staff
This booklet provides the following details for the 456 enlisted men in Squadron Order:
Date of enlistment
Regimental Number
Name and Initials
Home address
and Remarks
This booklet is an extremely valuable resource when responding to research enquiries for those serving in the Regiment as at the 29th April 1914. The last two numbers allocated on that date are 2108 Shoeing-Smith H.G. WHEELER ‘D’ Squadron and 2109 Pte C.W. OSBORNE ‘B’ Squadron.
Those wishing to learn more about individual Officers and Men serving with the Regiment during this period are requested to complete the Museum Enquiry Form see www.warwickshire-yeomanry-museum.co.uk
This booklet along with that for 1913 was recovered from Regimental HQ, Priory Road, Warwick prior to its closure in June 1968.
Regrettably, the Museum does not have copies of the printed Regimental Rolls covering the period 1900 to 1912.
‘Reserve Warwickshire Yeomanry Roll of ‘B’ Squadron commanded by Major Lord WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE - 1915’
This nineteen-page booklet was published in May 1915. It lists the Regimental Staff on page 2, see enclosure and provides details of the Officers and Men serving in ‘B’ Squadron, which I have summarised as follows:
Regimental Staff
Officers 5
Reserve ‘B’ Squadron
Officers 7
ORs 152
Officers 12
ORs 153
Total 165
It includes home addresses for the Officers.
The following information is provided for the ORs:
Date of enlistment
Regimental Number
Name and Initials
Home address
and Remarks
This ‘lawnmower copy’ is the only Squadron Roll that I have seen for the Reserve Regiment which became the 2/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry.
The War Office issued a letter dated 31st August 1914 authorising the County Associations to form Reserve Units for each Service Unit of the Territorial Force, 60% of which had volunteered for general service, to be raised and trained at the original Headquarters of the Unit.
The Warwickshire Yeomanry formed three Reserve Squadrons in early September 1914; the men were initially billeted in Warwick: ‘B’ Squadron commanded by Major Lord WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE; ‘C’ Squadron commanded by Major R.J. BEECH; and ‘D’ Squadron commanded by Major R. EMMET.
After some weeks the hiring of horses was authorised, and a full complement was eventually acquired. Mounted training was carried out in earnest, and the three Squadrons exercised in scouting and outpost duty in the country, including field days and night attacks. Trenches were dug in Warwick Park. For further details see Chapter V11 ‘The Warwickshire Yeomanry in the Great War’ by ADDERLEY.
Enclosed is a picture of Major Lord WILLOUGHBY De BROKE on horseback facing the entrance to Warwick Castle on Castle Hill, Warwick.
If anybody in this group has a copy of the booklet for ‘C’ or ‘D’ Squadron of the Reserve Regiment will they please contact me direct.
Those wishing to learn more about individual Officers and Men serving with the Regiment during this period are requested to complete the Museum Enquiry Form see www.warwickshire-yeomanry-museum.co.uk
Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry Regulations 1861
This twenty-four page booklet was published in 1861.
Pages 4 to 9 contain: Extracts from the Act of Parliament,44 G.III, cap 54, entitled to consolidate and amend the several Acts relating to Corps of Yeomanry and Volunteers, in Great Britain and to make further regulations thereto.
Pages 10 to 17 cover Rules and Regulation in considerable detail: Duties of Officers, the Officer’s Mess. Troop Fines, Duties of the Quartermaster, Permanent Serjeants, Non-Commissioned Officers, Privates, and the Band.
Pages 18 to 19 – General Regulations- see enclosure.
Page 20 - Directions for the Care and Cleaning of ‘The Arms and Equipment’.
Pages 21 to 24 – Dress for Officers, N.C.O.’s and Privates. *
The various orders of dress as published in ‘The Regimental Standing Orders of 1861’ can be found on pages 14 and 15 of ‘Booklet No.9 Warwickshire Yeomanry’ in the Uniforms of the British Yeomanry Force 1794-1914.
A step to conversion to Hussar Style dress was taken in 1863, when busbies of the Regular 1857 pattern were introduced to replace the shakos. The busby bags were white, as were the new upright plumes, which were of egret feathers for the Officers and horsehair brushes for the men - see fig 12: Private Full Dress 1863-1866.
From 1857 until 1876 the fashion for wearing cap lines at first with the shako and then the busby was to have them secured around the neck with about six inches of the loose end with egg moulds allowed to fall freely from the throat. Longer busby lines were adopted in 1876, which were looped up on the right breast, near the shoulder.
In 1867 the process of conversion to Hussar dress was completed by the introduction of six loops of Hussar braid to the fronts of the tunics of all ranks.
Those wishing to learn more about individual Officers and Men serving with the Regiment during this period are requested to complete the Museum Enquiry Form see www.warwickshire-yeomanry-museum.co.uk